Outlook Poems [Grief, Pride & Love/Part III]
9) Counting Time
Then was then
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And now is now-
In impending time
Who knows?
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It is approaching counting
Pebbles on the beach
No matter what,
You facade defeat:
The work to be
Is unknown!
But xerotes and war
And casualties,
Will, always be
For sure!
10) Reflections of Pride and Love
Love resides all in giving
Despair, resides in pride
Resentments are the bodily process you shed
During reflecting present time...!
11) Mother Dear
I come across to grieve,
Yet, after so long-
A combustion extinguished,
Yet sorrows not gone;
Wish I could recite a song
Perhaps I do: of hope,
But it ever turns out erroneous.
12) Children Hurt Parents
Children indignant us, past they're grown
And kickshaw us like we're a joke:
It works two ways, they forget
In old age, they'll retrieve this!
13) Lovers Train
We were quondam sweethearts,
Lovers and all:
Friends, I daring say-
But I shall...:
Until she recovered another man
(an acquaintance)
And he left-hand her, suchlike she left me
High and dry, and rolling;
Alas, the engine never stops,
It newly keeps on active.
Note: in this sequence of poems (called: 'Outlook' poems ))for their feeling)), which have thus far, 3 surround to it, here is a scenic and utmost treatment increase to Dennis' omnibus of finished 1700-poems to date; by an awarded lyrical poet, each testifying to the ordinary receptivity of time. In these poems, one can see a award to quality nature, a supremacy and religious belief of low emotions. Rosa