Magic happens
stars blink and moonbeams laugh out loud.
May creativity bloom like orchids
and laughter from fairies be your guiding song.
I will cradle every story
comfort sad endings
hope for the best
and meet your potential with a warm smiles.
My forest fairy
mermaid lore
I treasure the fable
the mystery of your treasure.
I count the days
I measure the glow
I know your glances will restore me.
I take a tiny drop of water
let it touch a blossoms stamen
watch it move down to the center
of its connected flower.
One single moment
taken out from the day
to do something so small
insignificant to some I guess.
'Tis often to me as well.
Yet today
at this moment
I see the simple and cherish its visions.
Legends of mermaids
had at times moved past me
I had forgotten to notice
there far away singing.
Tiny yes
it seems I walked right past them.
I did not hear their somber acceptance
that they had been forewarned
by old habits of mine
stumbling in the grass.
Their tears I would not recognize
their heros had disappeared.
My forest fairy
my mermaids song
sweet breath from your story
shape my footsteps
as the leaf drops from its flowers petals.
Oh laughter
between the tears
I thought I heard you calling.
Poor pitiful glow
stars that shine at night
I had not noticed your glowing
as much at this song now allows.
I had not noticed your importance
to this jealousy of hope.
I tried to glean your energy
I tried to harness your home.
But the sky felt like it was falling
so I could not reach for its hopeful
yet fading, to me, inner tune.
There was a box outside the moon.
Alas I step out of my circle
tie ribbons on its rhythm
and coax my gentle whimsical angels home.
I sing this song to me
I pick its magnificent orchid
and ride the winds song
gently, safely home.